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Neetu Gill                        
Spiritual Therapist and Trauma Survivor


My search for understanding myself lead me to venture into the field of psychology. 

Hypnotherapy and Counselling introduced me to a deeper understanding of the workings of the mind. Psychotherapy training is proving to be very rewarding in approaching mental health holistically. 


I hold a magnitude of passion for moving away from the conditioning we have grown up with. We are evolving beings and our way of resonating with ourselves and society needs to display this. Why are we still following something we did not agree to or had any choice about? 


The purpose behind Rising Hearts is to assist others to unpeel the layers to discover their authentic self and nurturing what reveals on the new surface with compassion and acceptance. 


Contact Me

Rewrite your story and create the experiences of your reality in your own way.


In this collaborative and therapeutic journey of deep inner work, you can expect me to hold the space for you in full confidence to explore the higher version of you. 

Tel: 07834981309

Thank you.

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